Thursday, March 29, 2018

Police Union Representatives at Daniella Levine Cava Fundraiser. By Geniusofdespair

Photo by Harry Emilio Gottlieb

Okay police union people here are some tips. First: Steve Shiver, whom they hired, I don't want to shake your hand. My hands were behind my back, that should have been a clue but I was happy to leave your hand awkwardly in front of you waiting. It just wasn't going to happen. You were the only one to ever threaten me on this blog. The only one out of 8,118,599. I guess that makes you special.

Police union guy number two (good looking one in the background), I don't want to hear what a nice guy Donald Trump was when you were guarding him in Doral. I don't even want to hear his name. Try to identify the crowd, if you were a cop that should have been easy: This was not the crowd to bring  up Trump.
On a brighter note, Daniella Levine Cava is a shoe in for reelection despite the wacky leadership of the police union present.  She gave a great speech at the Slesnick home.

Harry Emilio Gottlieb, County Commission Daniella Levine Cava, Frank and Fran  Rollason

Daniella is collecting petitions to get on the ballot. Please contact her campaign about that.

Congressional Candidate, State Senator Jose Javier Rodriguez Speaking with
Allie Martinez of the Women's Fund of Miami-Dade


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