I have heard Senator Bill Nelson speak a number of times. He is not a great speaker. He has that laid back Florida twang as a Northerner, I don't quite get.
I have also heard his evil Republican opponent speak and he is worse. That is why Rick Scott is just running negative ads against Bill Nelson. Scott can't speak at all without stuttering through his speech. I guess that is why he pleaded the 5th amendment 75 times. He is just not a speaker.
Rick Scott can claim victory for his two runs for Governor by running more ads. Effective ads. Is that what you want? A Senator who relies on his own money (that he got dubiously) to run ads?
Bill Nelson was born in Florida and has lived here his whole life. Is he smart? What do you think. You have to be damn smart to be an astronaut and in great physical shape.
Rick Scott, born in Illinois (the evil opponent) was pressured to resign as chief executive of Columbia/HCA in 1997, amid a controversy over the company's business and Medicare billing practices. During his tenure as chief executive, he oversaw the company while it defrauded Medicare, Medicaid and other federal programs. The Department of Justice ultimately fined the company in what was at the time the largest health care fraud settlement in U.S. history.
Now Florida is facing one of its biggest catastrophes with the Algae blooms on both coasts. How does Rick Scott have anything to do with that? He made appointments to all the Water Management District Boards. Here is the mission of the Board:
To manage and protect South Florida's water resources by balancing and improving flood control, water supply, water quality and natural systems.
Here is the background of some of Rick Scott's appointees - as you can see they are NOT uniquely qualified to make the decisions based on the Mission:
• Member, Florida Farm Bureau's Statewide Equine Industry Advisory Board, Member, Florida Farm Bureau's Young Farmer and Rancher Leadership Program, Board Member, The Children’s Healing Institute, Former Member, Western Palm Beach County Farm Bureau Board of Directors... Appointed By: Governor Rick Scott
• Director of Community and Government Relations for Lipman Family Farms...Appointed By: Governor Rick Scott
• Attorney Partner: Reed, Griffith & Moran...Appointed By: Governor Rick Scott
• Co-founder and Vice President of Entic, Inc (Real Estate Firm)....Appointed By: Governor Rick Scott
• Title Agent, Attorney's Title Fund/Old Republic National Title Insurance Company ...Appointed By: Governor Rick Scott
And with the crew he appointed - supporting the polluters of Lake Okeechobee - here is what we have now on the coasts:
We have a Governor who cares more about the Sugar Industry, ignoring their pollution, than he does about Florida water so people can safely recreate in and around it and for fish to flourish. Don't vote for Rick Scott.
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