Sunday, April 15, 2018

BIG DEAL: Here Comes Juliana v. US and states ... by gimleteye

You are going to be hearing a lot more about the federal and state lawsuits radiating around the plaintiffs' lawsuit.

"... the​ 21 young plaintiffs assert that the U.S. government, through its ​affirmative actions​ in creating a national energy system that cause climate change, has violated their constitutional rights to life, liberty, and property, and has failed to protect essential public trust resources.​ The case is one of many related legal actions brought by youth in several states and countries, all supported by Our Children’s Trust, and all seeking science-based action by governments to stabilize the climate system."

While Gov. Rick Scott and President Trump fritter away our futures, the evidence is piling up -- week by week -- that the science is right and the AltR demagogues are dead wrong. Read: "Earth’s Powerful, Climate-Shaping Water Currents Are Weak and Broken and It’s Time to Freak Out: The Gulf Stream current is at its weakest in 1,600 years, studies show."

Meanwhile, the kids are doing something about it. In Florida, you'll be hearing a lot more about Juliana, very soon.

For Immediate Release: April 12, 2018
Julia Olson, 415-786-4825, ​
Philip Gregory, 650-278-2957, ​


Eugene, Oregon -- During a public case management conference today, U.S. Magistrate Judge Thomas Coffin set October 29, 2018 as the trial date for ​Juliana v. United States​, the constitutional climate lawsuit brought by 21 young people and supported by Our Children’s Trust. The trial will be heard before U.S. District Court Judge Ann Aiken in Eugene, Oregon.

Julia Olson​, ​executive director and chief legal counsel of ​Our Children’s Trust​ and co-lead counsel for youth plaintiffs said:
“We have our trial date. In the coming months there will be depositions of the parties, defendants’ disclosure of their experts, and expert depositions in late summer. We will build a full factual record for trial so that the Court can make the best informed decision in this crucial constitutional case.”
DOJ attorneys representing the Trump administration told Judge Coffin that the trial date he set “won’t work” for defendants. They claimed they needed additional time to address expert witness reports and find rebuttal experts for every one of plaintiffs’ experts, to which Judge Coffin asked: “Where am I missing something? Given your admissions in this case, what is it about the science that you intend to contest with your rebuttal witnesses?”

The Court also made it clear that it is not going to make decisions on summary judgment motions before the full record at trial, despite defendants’ intentions to move to summary judgment prior to October 29.
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