Hitler with Tanks Parading by |
Hitler at a Military Parade |
Sigh...long sigh...
and then we fast forward to today - more than 60 years after Hitler. I am again thinking: How could people be so stupid? But they are. Maybe 40% of the country support our wacky President and believe his tall tales. There is a cop profiled in today's newspaper - North Miami Beach Officer Ericson Harrell.
Ericson Harrell is that stupid. Yet, he is considered "an above average officer" according to police spokeswoman Major Kathy Katerman.
Ericson believes that the Parkland kids are actors coached by others. He believes 9/11 was an "Inside Job" He questions the Sandy Hook massacre of all those children. The scary part is, he is a person with a high powered rifle and he is really stupid. And, there are plenty more of these gullible people who eat up Fox News stories and whatever else they can find on the internet. I have been reading Facebook posts of former Military and other police officers as scary as Ericson Harrell.
Just as I could not answer the stupidity question of the people supporting Hitler, I cannot answer the stupidity question of supporters of Donald Trump. So here we are in crazy world -- again.
Stupid People just Keep Procreating |
...and Procreating |
I couldn’t resist including this quote from Kurt Stone:
"Of all the historic, mind-numbing changes which '45 has brought to the position of president, perhaps none has been as unutterably dangerous as his attack upon the press; of whittling down American's faith in what used to be called the truth. Oh sure, most every POTUS has carried on love/hate relationships with at least a portion of the fourth estate in public; it goes with the territory. But what has never before occurred is having a president so denigrate and disparage a majority of the media (read: "non-Fox," "non-Sinclair") as to transmogrify it into the ultimate enemy - a traitorous purveyor of malignant falsehoods. In the span of a mere fourteen-and-a-half months, the President of the United States has essentially out-Orwelled George Orwell: he has turned falsehood into fact, fact into non-existence and sin into virtue."
Change of topic but not really...I wrote this in 2014, before Trump was even around:
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Stupid Steve. By Geniusofdespair
I once worked with a guy named Stupid Steve in an architecture office - he did drafting. Yes, I called him that to his face "Stupid Steve" and he didn't seem to mind. He was not stupid IQ wise just in life's lessons.
His most famous quote was: "Hitler ain't a bad guy." Why did he kill all the Jews, he said "To prevent them from starving." Steve was of German ancestry, no surprise there. He had many other stupid beliefs about the Nazis. No matter how I tried I couldn't change his mind...sort of like some of you readers. I learned from Steve some things are futile. It would be like trying to convince Anthony Verdugo to accept a gay person's rights.
Anyway, Steve was always amusing. I asked him once to name one Supreme Court judge and he said: "What is the Supreme Court?" I said "Do you vote Steve"? When he said no, I said "that is very smart of you." He was very proud.
Fortunately, I lost touch with Stupid Steve. I hope he isn't bringing up children.
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